Simply Clever

Simply clever

At Škoda, we know the little things can make a big difference. That's why you'll find plenty of bright ideas across our entire range, specifically designed to make your life easier.

Simplify your life

In our modern lifestyle, we are constantly up against a plethora of day-to-day challenges. Solutions to them can be found in the Simply Clever features inside and outside our cars. They may seem trivial, but you will no longer have to scratch the ice of the windows with a credit card, scrabble for loose change in all those nooks, fish out a plastic bottle that has rolled under the seat, or worry where to visibly display your parking ticket.

Make full use of your boot

Nothing beats volume. We have made the already spacious luggage compartment - a Škoda signature feature - even more malleable to your needs by introducing numerous sophisticated gadgets. As a result, you will find it easy to protect fragile cargo from breakage, prevent soiling in the luggage compartment, and expand the boot space.

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